Check out our new Wordpress Theme!
We Launch Miko on Wordpress Version, take a look!
Clement is a Powerful Multi-Purpose Bootstrap Template. It has endless possibilities for creating stunning websites no matter what type of business is. It has a modern touch & a creative designs everywhere. For now counts with the main template, Agency, Agency Grayscale, Architecture, Cafe, Construction, Corporate, Fashion, Gym, Hosting, Mechanic, Real State, Hair &Restaurant.
Files Included
- 01_index.psd
- 02_index2.psd
- 03_index3.psd
- 04_index4.psd
- 05_index5.psd
- 06_about.psd
- 07_about2.psd
- 08_about_me.psd
- 09_team.psd
- 10_services.psd
- 11_services2.psd
- 12_portfolio_fullwidth_masonry.psd
- 13_portfolio_boxed_masonry.psd
- 14_portfolio_3c.psd
- 15_blog.psd
- 16_blog2.psd
- 17_blog3.psd
- 18_blog_1c.psd
- 19_blog_2c.psd
- 20_blog_2c_sidebar.psd
- 21_blog_single.psd
- 22_contact.psd
- 23_contact_2.psd
- 24_404.psd
- 25_404_2.psd
- 26_404_3_color.psd
- 27_404_4_white.psd
- 28_index_architecture.psd
- 29_project_architecture.psd
- 30_index_agency_gray.psd
- 31_about_agency_gray.psd
- 32_index_gym.psd
- 33_classes_gym.psd
- 34_trainers_gym.psd
- 35_pricing_gym.psd
- 36_index_construction.psd
- 37_index2_construction.psd
- 38_services_construction.psd
- 39_projects_construction.psd
- 40_index_corporatepsd
- 41_index2_corporate.psd
- 42_about_corporate.psd
- 43_index_agency_color.psd
- 44_index_cafe.psd
- 45_index_fashion.psd
- 46_index_hosting.psd
- 47_index_restaurant.psd
- 48_index_mechanic.psd
- 49_index_hair.psd
- 50_index_real_state.psd
All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Images used in live preview are not included in the template.