A Beginner's Guide to Web Accessibility

A Beginner's Guide to Web Accessibility

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Course Description

Web accessibility is quickly becoming a topic that is unavoidable. Access to the web is becoming a basic human right, but many sites are inaccessible to people with a wide range of disabilities. This course will identify the different disabilities that must be accounted for, the benefits to all users when your site is more accessible, and how to be proactive when it comes to conforming with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Whether you’re a designer, developer, project manager or CEO, this course will help you realize that accessibility is worth the time it takes to make improvements, and it’s not much extra effort if added into the workflow of a project. At the end of the day, if you make even one site improvement, the Internet will be a better place.

What You’ll Learn

  • The most common disabilities to keep in mind as you design websites, and how they affect people’s use of the web.
  • How to conform to accessibility standards.
  • Understand accessibility tools such as VoiceOver, NVDA, ChromeVox, Ally, and more.
  • Fix common accessibility mistakes such as poor color contrast, mouse-only JavaScript events, and much more.
  • How to test a website for accessibility.

About the Instructor

John Hartley is a front-end software engineer at Dynamit, a web and mobile application development agency in Columbus, Ohio. John leads Accessibility efforts for Dynamit clients and has served as a speaker and author on the topic. You can connect with him on Twitter, GitHub, or LinkedIn.

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